How to store your e-liquids for vaping in Indianapolis safely?
August 5th, 2024

Are you tired of finding half-full e-liquids scattered around your home? You’re not the only one. Whether down the side of your couch or tucked away in the coat pocket, improper e-liquid storage is a one-way ticket to flavor depreciation. Knowing how to store your e-liquids for vaping in Indianapolis is essential if you want to get your money’s worth.

Today, we’ll discuss your shortfalls as we bust the refrigeration myths, provide top safety tips, and answer frequently asked questions about e-liquid storage.

What to avoid when storing e-liquids?

Heat, light, and air are the main culprits that ruin your e-liquid’s longevity. Too much exposure to these things can eventually affect the taste of your e-liquids (and not for the better).

Why is heat harmful to e-liquids?

Heat is an e-liquid’s first enemy. The chemical process of heating creates the ‘energy,’ which breaks down the ingredients of your vaping e-liquid into entirely different compounds.

Vegetable glycerine, for instance, has a boiling point of 212°. Heating it above this point will alter its consistency and taste, leaving you with soured vape juice you never had the opportunity to enjoy.

Please don’t leave your e-liquid on a bright windowsill or a parked vehicle’s dashboard; store it in a very cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Why is light harmful to e-liquids?

Like heat, increased exposure to sunlight can break down your e-liquid’s chemical components.

UV rays will split all the ingredients and spoil the flavors. To avoid this, keep your e-liquids in a darker cupboard or storage box and return them when you need a top-up.

Why is air damaging to e-liquids?

Last but not the least is the damage air can cause to your e-liquids. While this may be surprising, the oxidization process breaks down the strength of nicotine and reduces its strength. This could be specifically troublesome for smokers using their vapes to replace the traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products.

So, to prevent the air from reacting with your nicotine, ensure the lid is tight before storing it away. Twist the cap as far as you can without any damage, and keep in mind to put all the lids on your vape juices once you are finished re-filling them.

Where is the best place to store vape liquid?

The best place to store your e-liquid is cool, dark, and dry, away from sunlight and heat. But where are these magical places?

Can you store e-liquid in the fridge?

Technically, you can store e-liquid in the fridge. However, there may be better ideas than this. Most standard e-liquids have two central ingredients- propylene glycol or PG and vegetable glycerine or VG.

These two chemicals have different freezing points, which can split the e-liquid and cause similar depreciation as heat, light, and air. For optimum flavor, they must be stored at a consistent temperature, and this isn’t possible when the condensation point is another concern.

When you remove the e-liquid from the fridge and expose it to the warmer air, condensation may occur inside the bottle, diluting the vape juice. You could manage this by permitting the e-liquid to reach the room temperature before using it, but the flavor may still be impacted.

How long can you store the e-liquids?

Generally, the e-liquids can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years. However, shelf life also depends on storage conditions, the quality of your flavoring, and the presence of nicotine. PG and VG, the chief components of e-liquids, are food-grade compounds with relatively long shelf life. Flavorings, however, gradually degrade and can cause a change in aroma and taste.

You can perform sensory tests over time to check for color, flavor, and consistency changes. If the e-liquid look significantly different, tastes off, or has a very strange consistency, it’s best to discard it.